from lore_sa.logger import logger
from lore_sa.neighgen.neighborhood_generator import NeighborhoodGenerator
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["NeighborhoodGenerator", "RandomGenerator"]
[docs]class RandomGenerator(NeighborhoodGenerator):
Random Generator creates neighbor instances by generating random values starting from the instance to explain
[docs] def __init__(self, bbox=None, dataset=None, encoder=None, ocr=0.1):
super().__init__(bbox, dataset, encoder, ocr)
self.generated_data = None
[docs] def generate(self, x, num_instances, descriptor):
random generation of new instances. The starting instance x is only used to detect the value type of each feature, in order
to generate new values only for numeric features.
:param x[dict]: the starting instance from the real dataset
:param num_instances[int]: the number of instances to generate
:param descriptor[dict]: data descriptor as generated from a Dataset object. The list (or range) associated to each key is used to randomly choice an element within the list.
:return [TabularDataset]: a tabular dataset instance with the new data generated
Z = np.zeros((num_instances, len(self.encoder.get_encoded_features().items()) if x is None else len(x)))
logger.debug('Starting generation of {} record, each of size {}'.format(Z.shape[0], Z.shape[1]))
for n in range(num_instances):
instance = self.generate_synthetic_instance(from_z=x)
Z[n] = instance
if self.bbox is not None:
Z = self.balance_neigh(x, Z, num_instances)
self.generated_data = Z
logger.debug('Generation completed')
return Z