- class lore_sa.surrogate.DecisionTreeSurrogate(kind=None, preprocessing=None)[source]
([kind, preprocessing])apply_counterfactual
(x, delta, dataset[, ...])Check if a falsifield confition is in an unadmittible feature list :param delta: :param unadmittible_features: :return: True or False
(premises_list)Remove the same premises with different values of threashold
(x, class_name, ...)- param [Numpy Array] x
instance encoded of the dataset
(x_dict, crule)Check the wrong conditions :param x_dict: :param crule: :return: list of falsified premises
(x, dataset[, encoder])Extract the rules as the promises and consequences {p -> y}, starting from a Decision Tree
(inner_tree, index)Check whether node is leaf node
Remove leaves if both
(inner_tree, decisions[, index])Start pruning from the bottom - if we start from the top, we might miss nodes that become leaves during pruning.
(Z, Yb[, weights, class_values, ...])- param Z
The training input samples
- check_feasibility_of_falsified_conditions(delta, unadmittible_features: list)[source]
Check if a falsifield confition is in an unadmittible feature list :param delta: :param unadmittible_features: :return: True or False
- compact_premises(premises_list)[source]
Remove the same premises with different values of threashold
- Parameters
premises_list – List of Expressions that defines the premises
- Returns
- get_counterfactual_rules(x: array, class_name, feature_names, neighborhood_dataset: TabularDataset, features_map_inv=None, multi_label: bool = False, encoder: EncDec = None, filter_crules=None, constraints: dict = None, unadmittible_features: list = None)[source]
- Parameters
x ([Numpy Array]) – instance encoded of the dataset
neighborhood_dataset ([Numpy Array]) – Neighborhood instances
dataset ([TabularDataset]) –
features_map_inv –
multi_label ([bool]) –
encdec ([EncDec]) –
filter_crules –
constraints ([dict]) –
unadmittible_features ([list]) – List of unadmittible features
- Returns
- get_falsified_conditions(x_dict: dict, crule: Rule)[source]
Check the wrong conditions :param x_dict: :param crule: :return: list of falsified premises
- get_rule(x: array, dataset: TabularDataset, encoder: EncDec = None)[source]
Extract the rules as the promises and consequences {p -> y}, starting from a Decision Tree
>>> {( income > 90) -> grant), ( job = employer) -> grant) }
- Parameters
x ([Numpy Array]) – instance encoded of the dataset to extract the rule
dataset ([TabularDataset]) – Neighborhood instances
encdec ([EncDec]) –
- Return [Rule]
Rule objects
- prune_index(inner_tree, decisions, index=0)[source]
Start pruning from the bottom - if we start from the top, we might miss nodes that become leaves during pruning. Do not use this directly - use prune_duplicate_leaves instead.
- train(Z, Yb, weights=None, class_values=None, multi_label: bool = False, one_vs_rest: bool = False, cv=5, prune_tree: bool = False)[source]
- Parameters
Z – The training input samples
Yb – The target values (class labels) as integers or strings.
weights – Sample weights.
class_values –
multi_label ([bool]) –
one_vs_rest ([bool]) –
cv ([int]) –
prune_tree ([bool]) –
- Returns