from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["EncDec"]
[docs]class EncDec():
Generic class to implement an encoder/decoder
It is implemented by different classes, each of which must implements the functions: enc, dec, enc_fit_transform
the idea is that the user sends the complete record and here only the categorical variables are handled
[docs] def __init__(self,dataset_descriptor):
self.dataset_descriptor = dataset_descriptor
self.encoded_features = {}
self.encoded_descriptor = None
[docs] @abstractmethod
def encode(self, x: np.array):
It applies the encoder to the input features
:param[Numpy array] x: the Dataset containing the features to be encoded
:param[list] features_to_encode: list of columns of Dataset.df dataframe to be encoded
[docs] @abstractmethod
def get_encoded_features(self):
Provides a dictionary with the new encoded features name and the new index
def decode(self, x: np.array):
def decode_target_class(self, x: np.array):