from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
__all__ = ["AbstractBBox"]
[docs]class AbstractBBox(ABC):
Generic Black Box class witch provides two sklearn-like methods.
[docs] def __init__(self, classifier):
[docs] def model(self):
Provides the bbox.
return self.model()
[docs] @abstractmethod
def predict(self, sample_matrix: list):
Wrap of sklearn predict method, that predict the class labels for the provided data.
:param sample_matrix: {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_queries, n_features) samples.
:return: ndarray of shape (n_queries, n_classes), or a list of n_outputs of such arrays if n_outputs > 1.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def predict_proba(self, sample_matrix: list):
Wrap of sklearn predict_proba method, that return probability estimates for the test data.
:param sample_matrix: {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_queries, n_features) samples
:return: ndarray of shape (n_queries, n_classes), or a list of n_outputs of such arrays if n_outputs > 1.